I wanted to pass on this tip to anybody who has a puppy with either ringworm or a similar fungal skin condition. I have had a lot of trouble clearing this up in the past, particularly on a cat. However, Dr Payne at Pioneer Kennel recommended I use Ketozal shampoo once a week on my two foster puppies and the condition has completely cleared up. You need to get a good lather going and leave it on for 5 minutes before rinsing.
Just like us, dogs don’t need toxic products or chemicals when nature provides us with everything we need already. On the island, we are lucky to have an abundance of wonderful healthy natural and free or cheap remedies.
Here are some remedies tried and tested by our members

Natural Health and Healing for the Caribbean Island Dog
Demodectic Mange
Demodectic Mange is very common here in Antigua and is contacted from mother to puppy. It makes the dog smell and lose hair and form scabs. If not treated it stays in the animal blood for all their lives and gets passed on if the animal has puppies. Add to food a combination of a tea spoon or spoon according to size of dog of cod liver oil and apple cider vinegar diluted in water (a great alkalizing agent for humans to drink Daily)
Fleas and General Skin Issues
Any dog with skin issues should be looked at by a vet and diagnosed, before treatment, many animals are allergic to corn based or grain based foods and some rashes and skin issues arise from this diet.
Brewer’s Yeast
Rich in Omega fatty acids, B vitamins and antioxidants, brewer’s yeast enhances health, aids with flea control and improves the immune system. Add to dog’s food, it helps build blood and the taste becomes a turn off for fleas. The general rule for brewer’s yeast is no more than a teaspoon or one tablet per day. Your dog’s weight will matter, so always follow the directions on the packaging if provided.
Coconut Oil
All around best preventative remedy is by far coconut oil.Coconut oil is a great addition to any diet, straight or in food. When mixed with food, it can improve digestion. It also helps with a myriad of skin problems and can be rubbed straight onto coat and skin, and prevents and treats yeast and fungal infections. Mix ¼ tablespoon per every 10 pounds of body weight twice daily in your dog’s meal.
Aloe Vera
A plant that grows abundantly that can be used for all kinds of skin issues on both animals and humans. Simply split the leaf, and rinse the yellow liquid to avoid stains, the jelly is the key to this miracle plant, rub all over your dog’s hair and skin, you can leave on, or rinse, not a problem if your dog licks it, it cleans internally too.
Sea Bath
The sea is free and your dog can learn to love to swim or just frolic at the water’s edge SEA bath, salt water is good for your skin and your dog’s skin, it helps manage all kinds of skin issues and combined with a little sand exfoliation or Aloe Vera rub it will keep your dog shiny and happy.
Neem Tea Bath
Neem leaves and neem oil benefit dogs in numerous ways. The leaves can be used to boost the immune system of dogs in general, and to repel intestinal parasites. Neem oil can also be used to treat skin problems, repel fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks. Boil a big pot of water (approx. 5L), turn off the heat and throw 4-5 twigs of leaves (about an arm’s length each one) into the water. Submerge them all then when it cools down, after one hour cool rinse.
from Jo Sandeman-Allen