Dogs & Cats of Antigua could not exist without the hard work of many volunteers and our valued board members.

Joy is the founder of the group.  She has been an entrepreneur and has a background in advertising sales and marketing. Over the past 5 years she has fostered hundreds of pups, but her real strengths lie in her vision and consistent commitment to improving animal welfare in Antigua
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Joy Farrell

Mary Harris
Mary is a long time sailor, with a varied background that allows her to put her hand to anything. She is the Treasurer for the group and she excels in sales and management. She is also fearless and takes on the toughest rescues and fosters for the long haul.
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Mary Harris

Nancy's background is in management. She currently manages one of Antigua's foremost attractions Zip Line Tours. Nancy takes on the animals with disabilities. She has nursed back to health the blind, deaf, and injured. She takes on the most hopeless of cases and usually wins.
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Nancy Hadeed

After 20+ years criss-crossing continents producing profile-raising features on emerging economies published in international media, Danielle decided to settle in Antigua & Barbuda where she currently produces the Antigua & Barbuda The Citizen magazine. An avid dog lover and defender of all sentient beings, she quickly became part of DACOA’s rescue efforts across the island, including fostering dogs while waiting for their travel ticket to forever homes in the US or Canada. Danielle also dedicates part of her free time to developing the vision for the Sanctuary, including planting, fund raising and building dog houses. She feels proud to be part of such an amazing organisation.
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Danielle Jacobsen

Halima JB is the Principal of one of Antigua's foremost high schools for girls. Although her background is in education she applies love and compassion to animal rescue. Her whole family joins her in caring for an unusually large amount of rescues.
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Halima JB

Based in New York City, Kristin became involved with Dogs & Cats of Antigua after adopting her Antiguan dog, Nala. With a background in corporate social responsibility and nonprofit strategy, Kristin helps guide DACOA's awareness and fundraising efforts, in addition to serving as a liaison for U.S.-based rescue organizations.
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Kristin Kenney

After a career in the medical field in the UK in 1994 I moved to the USA with my then husband and my two children aged 10 and 12.
I divorced in 2001 and opened my doggie daycare in 2007with one dog.
Since then I have moved my business three times.
I now own and operate a doggie daycare, boarding and grooming facility in Lakeville Ma.
A friend who is in business locally introduced me to DACOA. She has been visiting Antigua for many years.
Sharon took me with her to Antigua right after the hurricane in 2017. I fell in love with the island then but was also drawn into the plight of so many neglected and abused dogs on the  Island.
Since then I have been a part of DACOA flying pups to the USA. We would drive to JFK in NYC and pick up pups who we would foster then find great homes for them.
It has been very successful and rewarding!!
I truly hope that we can soon get back to regularly getting pups off the island to find them amazing homes!!
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Julia Dixon

I began my first journey to Antigua in 2000 with friends and have been traveling to Antigua ever since.  It was when Hurricaine Irma hit that I became involved with DCOA by starting a fundraiser in the states for the animals and headed to Antigua with much needed medical supplies, flea and tick products and food.  i travel to Antigua approximately 3-4 times a year with a friend so we can bring the overflow of dogs back to the states and get them into wonderful homes.  The team of DCOA are amazing and I have forged live long friendships.  I have worked with animal for over 40 years, have a degree in Animal Science and Behavior, worked in the Veterinary field for 14 years, and own a Doggy Daycare/Boarding Facility.
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Sharon Gerson Panek

A lover of animals, reptiles, insects and most any creature existing in nature. Chris adopted Tig from Animal Haven in New York, NY after she spent seven years in PAAWS on Antigua. Old familial ties to the island and a new family member hailing from this beautiful island brought him back for a visit and he is now looking to help the dog and cat population in any way he can. If you have any problems with the website, blame him.
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Chris Kelly

Lindsey Malouin
My heart has been with the Antiguan animals for the past 31 years. I was 5 years old when I started traveling to Antigua with my parents. As a young girl I would make friends with every stray dog on the beach, in town or wherever we went on the island. I have pictures from 30 years ago with me hanging out with beach dogs. I remember always saying that one day I would save every dog in need on Antigua. Sadly, I now know that I won’t be able to do that, but I do know that we as a group can save as many as we possibly can and educate others so they can learn that all lives matter wether 2 or 4 legged. All of Gods creatures are beautiful and deserve respect, love and empathy. We can all do better, we need to do better! I am so thankful each day for this wonderful group of people that go above and beyond to save these sad souls from neglect, torture, starvation... I am so glad that I am able to help make a small difference in these deserving lives.
My family and I live on Cape Cod in Massachusetts but travel to Antigua as much as we can, wether for vacation which then turns into rescue work or specifically for rescue work. Myself, my husband and my 3 daughters, 6, 11, and 13, are all involved in helping the Antiguan animals however we can. They are fully hands on with me while in Antigua with feeding strays, doing vet visits and helping save stray dogs off the beaches. At home, they all help with the 100s of fosters that have come through our house. They help with the caring of the pups and dogs, cleaning up after them, feeding and do the home visits with me to ensure that all of our foster dogs will be going to loving, forever homes. They also do school reports about the animals on Antigua, DACOA, and the special people that help make a difference in these animals lives. They want to help raise awareness in our area and to show others that not all animals are treated well like they are where we live. I could not be more proud of my family!
In 2006, we rescued and flew home our first Antiguan pup, Tiga. My husband and dad found the rest of her litter and her mom poisoned dead in the water at the end of Dickenson Bay, somehow Tiga didn’t get into the poison and was safe in the bush up the hill. They fit her in the palm of their hands and we thankfully were able to feed her and keep her healthy without being able to nurse. She traveled home with us and was spoiled rotten for the last 13.5 years. Our Island girl sadly passed away in March 2020 but we will never forget her. She is the matriarch to all of the puppies and dogs we have and will save and foster. Once the puppies and dogs land in Boston they all hear the story of their grandma, Tiga, who started it all.
We all became officially involved with DACOA in 2016 rather than just saving dogs on our own. My husband and myself were overwhelmed with having crying kids everyday while we were suppose to be on vacation and having a wonderful time. No matter where we went, there were hurt, sick, emaciated or neglected animals and the kids would all be crying, sad and couldn’t get the horrible images out of their heads. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night, worrying if the dogs we saw that day were safe, if they had found some food to eat or had they been injured or killed... worrying if the emaciated horse with open wounds that was tied in the sun all day found any relief... We would save parts of our meals during the day to bring to the starving dogs later in the evenings. We have seen dogs purposely being ran over, children throwing stones at puppies and chasing after them to hurt them, people kicking and hitting dogs with sticks and machetes... we either had to stop vacationing on Antigua or get involved with a group of people to make change happen, and so we did, with DACOA.
Myself and family look forward to saving and helping many more animals in need as well as helping to educate others about basic care and needs of all animals! We look forward to everyone’s support, local and overseas!
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Lindsey Malouin

Now living back in the UK, Jo spent over two years working with DACOA in its early years.  Fostering many dogs and puppies in her time in Antigua she travelled back to the UK with two of our rescues, Beanie and Jack Jack.  Jo now takes responsibility for the annual DACOA calendar which is printed in the UK.
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Jo Sandeman Allen

Kate is an advisory board member and US Treasurer for Dogs and Cats of Antigua. A lover of animals, Kate became passionate about animal rescue after her first foster (and ultimate foster-fail), a 1 week-old tabby named Mighty Max (@tomandmightymax). After Mighty Max, she became a frequent foster mom and was introduced to DACOA by her sister-in-law and DACOA board member, Tracy Venezia. Kate started with the airport runs to JFK to transport Antiguan pups to rescue partners in NYC. In 2019, she took a trip to Antigua to meet the rest of the amazing DACOA team and be a travel buddy for a couple of pups. When she saw first-hand the urgent need to help the Antiguan animals, she had to help more! When Kate is not caring for a foster, she can be found in the outdoors, living it up in Brooklyn or working at her "real" job as a financial consultant.
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Kate Venezia

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